
Booth #9137
Product Info
Reduces truck stock
Always have the right size capacitor
Individual sizes available so you can adjust your inventory based on the common builds in your market

Sigma Capacitors were designed to minimize the need to stock hundreds of capacitors.
The starter kit (SCKIT) includes 7 different sizes, that when paired with alternate sizes, will replace hundreds of both single and dual 370/440V capacitors.
Always have the right size capacitor to finish the job without needing an additional trip.
Sigma Capacitors are a permanent replacement for standard capacitors so there is no reason to return to a job site once installed.
Product is sold as a kit or individual sizes.
Individual Sizes/Kits: 2.5MFD, 5MFD, 10MFD, 15MFD, 20MFD, 30MFD, 25/5MFD, 25/7.5MFD, End Cap, Cap Kit
Product Numbers: SC3, SC5, SC10, SC15, SC20, SC30, SC255, SC2575, SCEC, SCKIT
Instructions For Use
Build the hermetic side of the capacitor first.
Verify desired size was made and push capacitors together.
Rotate 120 degrees and build the fan side of the capacitor second.
Verify desired size was made and push capacitors together.
If necessary, install a chair terminal on the top capacitor.
Finish building the desired Sigma Cap size by putting the bottom cap on the base of the capacitor.
*Once built, Sigma Cap is not meant to be disassembled.